Could the owners of Atlanta, Georgia's Columbia Commons apartments be held civilly liable for the death of the complex's maintenance worker who was killed while caught in the crossfire of a shooting there?
Would a civil court hold the Hidden Valley Apartments liable under Georgia law for the murder of a man on their property?
Would a civil court find the owners of Auburn Glenn Apartments liable in the tragic double shooting on their premises?
Could the owners of Eagle’s Run be civilly liable in the fatal shooting of Anthony Hammond on their premises?
When a man is fatally shot at the Donnelly Courts Apartments could the owners of the complex be held civilly liable?
Could the owners of the Seven Courts Apartments be held partially responsible in a civil court when a robbery on their premises turned deadly?
Could the owners of the Ellington Apartments be civilly liable in the murder of Taurus Jefferies?
Could the owners of the Dagny Midtown be civilly responsible in the shooting of 35-year-old Desmond Key?
Could the owners of the Villas at Hampton be held civilly liable in the terrible tragedy that occurred on their property?