Could the shooting death of Robert Kirkland, 27, at the Smith & Porter Apartments leave the apartment owners to exposed to a civil lawsuit?
Could the Capitol View apartment owners’ negligent actions lead to civil liability for a fatal shooting on the property?
Could a negligent security lawsuit loom for RaceTrac gas station's owner after a fatal shooting leaves one dead and four others injured?
Could the shooting of a 21-year-old man at the MAV at North Macon expose the complex’s owners to a civil lawsuit?
Could the Wood Glen Apartments owners’ negligent actions lead to civil liability for a fatal shooting on the property?
The owners of a Cook Out restaurant on SE Moreland Ave may face a negligent security lawsuit after a customer was gravely wounded in a shooting there.
Could the shooting of a woman at The Veranda Apartments leave the property owners to exposed to a civil lawsuit?
Could the murder of Jaden McKinnon, 22, at the Willowest Apartments leave the apartment owners to exposed to a civil lawsuit?
Does the owner of American Inn & Suites motel in Jonesboro, GA face legal liability after a shooting left one seriously injured hotel?